Last week it was A to M in "Gold I AM". This week it is "Gold NZ" - although not of the New Zealand variety but the remaining letters of the alphabet N through to Z.
Here goes:
N is for Native Gold… and its 118 Neutrons… Nuggety Gold… and Gold Nuggets… Numismatic Gold (see Gold Coins)… the Northern Territory Gold Rush, around Pine creek, 1871-1909… and ‘All that glisters is not gold' (The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene 7)…and let's include it - for New Zealand Gold too.
O is for Old Gold, from Archaean rocks - or should that be recycled gold? It is also a chocolate brand for those with a sweet tooth… O is also for Orange Gold and Ophir Gold… also hosts to the 1851 gold rush in New South Wales… Octahedral Gold… Over-The-Counter (OTC) Gold - and for Obsessive Gold… Golden Oldies… Orogenic Gold… and Open Pit Gold Mining…
P is for Prospecting for Gold, maybe by Gold Panning… for Pure Gold… its 79 Protons… as Placer Gold… Primary Gold… Platy Gold… Gold Particles, Porphyry Gold… Pine Creek Gold (see Northern Territory Gold Rush)… the Perth Mint… Pink Gold (see Rose Gold)… and Purple Gold (alloyed with aluminium) too… P is also for The Power of Gold… Pharaonic Gold… and obviously Precious Gold…
Q is for a Quasi-Gold Standard and for Quintessential Gold, or surpassing earthly limitations, which as a label is used far less than it should be… Q is also for the Queensland Gold Rush, from about 1857, but did not really get going until the Charter Towers and associated discoveries in the 1870s… Queen-Gold, a 2002 discography of the Freddie Mercury-led rock band released in South Korea… and Queen Elizabeth II's Gold Grand Piano…
R is for Rare Gold… Refractory Gold… Responsible Gold… although to our knowledge nobody has quite yet agreed on quite what ‘Responsible Gold' actually represents, though the World Gold Council probably has the best attempt… Gold Refining… for Recycled Gold… Rose Gold (alloyed with copper)… and for Red Gold (see Rose Gold)… R is also for Gold Rush… Gold Royalties, a favourite subject of Strictly Boardroom, be they those levied by government, or private interests… and Gold Royalty Companies, a perfect example of ‘business model innovation'… Gold Records (LP)… ‘Ra', the Ancient Egyptian God of the Sun who was depicted as a ‘mountain of gold'… Gold Resources… and Gold Reserves (both in-ground and ‘in-vault')... Gold Rings (also see ‘Salted Gold')… and did anyone mention Gold Recoveries (literally from ore or metaphorically as ‘a rally in the price')?
S is for Solid Gold, a descriptor of a physical property of gold, albeit not entirely accurate, and a common marketing phrase… Southern Cross Gold, focus of Western Australia's second gold rush from 1887, but still not THE gold rush… the Gold Standard… for Spangold, a gold-copper-aluminium alloy that when heat treated creates a ‘spangling' effect… for Seductive Gold… Spanish Gold… Gold Scandals (see Bre-X, amongst doubtless many others)… for Salted Gold (also see previous)… and Gold Salts, used in anti-inflammatory medicine… for Sylvanite, or (AuAg)Te2 - another natural ore of gold… the San Francisco 49ers (see Californian Gold Rush) … Sheepskin Gold, the Ancient Egyptians used sheepskins for gold panning, which is thought to be the origins of the story of Jason and the Gold Fleece (see earlier)… for Spandau Ballet's ‘Gold'… Space Gold, see Asteroid Gold, or perhaps it is the gold used in astronauts' spacesuit visors… Seabed Gold Mining… of Seabed Massive Sulphide (SMS) Gold Deposits, as well as ‘Gold in Seawater'… Sharpe's Gold, one of a series of books by Bernard Cornwall about a British Army Officer in the Peninsular Wars, later adapted into a TV series starring a young Sean Bean, and for Shakespeare on Gold (once again) "Gold… what can it not do, and undo?" (from the lesser known tragi-comedy play Cymbeline)… and for ‘spinning straw into gold' (from the Grimm's fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin)… and finally, S is also for the Super Pit at Kalgoorlie, now owned by 2020 MNN Deal of the Year Winner, Saracen Mineral Holdings, and runner up, Northern Star Resources…
T is for a Troy Ounce of Gold, now worth Two-Thousand-Dollars… and maybe in the future, according to ‘market commentators' Three-Thousand-Dollars… or even for Ten-Thousand-Dollar per ounce Gold! Oh, and the Tasmanian Gold Rush, 1851-1886… and Gold Teeth (see Goldie earlier)… Gold TV, an Australian infomercial channel… Goldilocks and the Three Bears… Gold Toxicity, too much and it damages your kidneys, but just enough and it helps with joint pain (see Golds Salts)… Throat-cutting Gold, apocryphally, when the Reverend William Branwhite Clarke found gold in the Blue Mountains in 1841, he was told by the Governor of New South Wales to "Put it away Mr Clarke, or we shall all have our throats cut"… and in such a high-price world for gold - no doubt soon we will be hearing far more about Gold Tailings too, either mining them, or the long-term problems associated with them…
U is for the US$ Gold Price, Underground Gold Mining... Unhedged Gold Production… Undiscovered Gold… and UKTV Gold, which broadcasts ‘classic' British TV comedy repeats…
V is for Visible Gold… Vein Gold… Volcanic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Gold, though usually only as a by-product… the Victorian Gold Rush from 1851 to the late-1860s (also see Bendigo & Ballarat Gold)… Violet Gold (see Purple Gold)… and Gold Vault…
W is for White Gold, alloyed with nickel, silver, or palladium… Gold Wire, naturally forming or manufactured (see Electrical and Electronic Gold)… Witwatersrand Gold… the Western Australian Gold Rush (1893-96)… "Wickedness caused by Gold" (also Agricola, 1556)… Gold Wreaths… Wedding Rings… and Welsh Gold, previously mined from the Clogau St David's mine in Bontddu and used for the wedding rings of the British Royal Family)... the World Gold Council… and the ‘Welcome Stranger', still the largest gold nugget ever discovered, weighing 2,316oz and found in Moliagul, Victoria in 1869…
X is for XXXX Gold mid-strength beer, which displaced VB as Australia's most popular beer in 2012, whilst owner Castlemaine is named after a region that was also the focus of the 1851 Victorian gold rush… and (too frequently dodgy) XRF Gold Analysis… and Bre-X Minerals (see Gold Scandal and Busang Gold Deposit)…
Y is for Yellow Gold… for Yellowstone Gold, which played a significant role in the Montana gold rush)… Yukon Gold (see Klondike Gold Rush)… and for Yorkshire Gold, a premium tea from Harrogate…
Z is for Mark Zeptner, 2020 MNN CEO of the Year who leads gold company, Ramelius Resources… and Zebra Gold, which apparently is the product of a rug company - and one that is a bit more expensive than ‘Rugs a Million'…
That completes Strictly Boardroom's attempt to capture the full spectrum of gold's many and varied different guises.
Thanks to those who provided feedback on omissions from the A to M compilation: What have we missed in N to Z?
Good hunting.
John Sykes is undertaking a multidisciplinary doctorate at the Centre for Exploration Targeting, UWA and a sessional lecturer on the MBA programme at UWA Business School. He is also a strategist for MinEx Consulting and a director of Greenfields Research, both consultancies specialising in the analysis of mining and exploration across the base, precious and specialty metals sectors (
Allan Trench is MBA Director and Professor at the UWA Business School, a non-executive director of several ASX-listed minerals companies - and the Perth representative for CRU Consulting, a division of independent metals and mining advisory CRU Group (
NB: A comprehensive bibliography is available upon request!
Gold NZ…
Strictly Boardroom rounds out the A to Z of Gold with letters N to Z
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Last week it was A to M in "Gold I AM". This week it is "Gold NZ" - although not of the New Zealand variety but the remaining letters of the alphabet N through to Z.
Here goes:
N is for Native Gold… and its 118 Neutrons… Nuggety Gold… and Gold Nuggets… Numismatic Gold (see Gold Coins)… the Northern Territory Gold Rush, around Pine creek, 1871-1909… and ‘All that glisters is not gold' (The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene 7)…and let's include it - for New Zealand Gold too.
O is for Old Gold, from Archaean rocks - or should that be recycled gold? It is also a chocolate brand for those with a sweet tooth… O is also for Orange Gold and Ophir Gold… also hosts to the 1851 gold rush in New South Wales… Octahedral Gold… Over-The-Counter (OTC) Gold - and for Obsessive Gold… Golden Oldies… Orogenic Gold… and Open Pit Gold Mining…
P is for Prospecting for Gold, maybe by Gold Panning… for Pure Gold… its 79 Protons… as Placer Gold… Primary Gold… Platy Gold… Gold Particles, Porphyry Gold… Pine Creek Gold (see Northern Territory Gold Rush)… the Perth Mint… Pink Gold (see Rose Gold)… and Purple Gold (alloyed with aluminium) too… P is also for The Power of Gold… Pharaonic Gold… and obviously Precious Gold…
Q is for a Quasi-Gold Standard and for Quintessential Gold, or surpassing earthly limitations, which as a label is used far less than it should be… Q is also for the Queensland Gold Rush, from about 1857, but did not really get going until the Charter Towers and associated discoveries in the 1870s… Queen-Gold, a 2002 discography of the Freddie Mercury-led rock band released in South Korea… and Queen Elizabeth II's Gold Grand Piano…
R is for Rare Gold… Refractory Gold… Responsible Gold… although to our knowledge nobody has quite yet agreed on quite what ‘Responsible Gold' actually represents, though the World Gold Council probably has the best attempt… Gold Refining… for Recycled Gold… Rose Gold (alloyed with copper)… and for Red Gold (see Rose Gold)… R is also for Gold Rush… Gold Royalties, a favourite subject of Strictly Boardroom, be they those levied by government, or private interests… and Gold Royalty Companies, a perfect example of ‘business model innovation'… Gold Records (LP)… ‘Ra', the Ancient Egyptian God of the Sun who was depicted as a ‘mountain of gold'… Gold Resources… and Gold Reserves (both in-ground and ‘in-vault')... Gold Rings (also see ‘Salted Gold')… and did anyone mention Gold Recoveries (literally from ore or metaphorically as ‘a rally in the price')?
S is for Solid Gold, a descriptor of a physical property of gold, albeit not entirely accurate, and a common marketing phrase… Southern Cross Gold, focus of Western Australia's second gold rush from 1887, but still not THE gold rush… the Gold Standard… for Spangold, a gold-copper-aluminium alloy that when heat treated creates a ‘spangling' effect… for Seductive Gold… Spanish Gold… Gold Scandals (see Bre-X, amongst doubtless many others)… for Salted Gold (also see previous)… and Gold Salts, used in anti-inflammatory medicine… for Sylvanite, or (AuAg)Te2 - another natural ore of gold… the San Francisco 49ers (see Californian Gold Rush) … Sheepskin Gold, the Ancient Egyptians used sheepskins for gold panning, which is thought to be the origins of the story of Jason and the Gold Fleece (see earlier)… for Spandau Ballet's ‘Gold'… Space Gold, see Asteroid Gold, or perhaps it is the gold used in astronauts' spacesuit visors… Seabed Gold Mining… of Seabed Massive Sulphide (SMS) Gold Deposits, as well as ‘Gold in Seawater'… Sharpe's Gold, one of a series of books by Bernard Cornwall about a British Army Officer in the Peninsular Wars, later adapted into a TV series starring a young Sean Bean, and for Shakespeare on Gold (once again) "Gold… what can it not do, and undo?" (from the lesser known tragi-comedy play Cymbeline)… and for ‘spinning straw into gold' (from the Grimm's fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin)… and finally, S is also for the Super Pit at Kalgoorlie, now owned by 2020 MNN Deal of the Year Winner, Saracen Mineral Holdings, and runner up, Northern Star Resources…
T is for a Troy Ounce of Gold, now worth Two-Thousand-Dollars… and maybe in the future, according to ‘market commentators' Three-Thousand-Dollars… or even for Ten-Thousand-Dollar per ounce Gold! Oh, and the Tasmanian Gold Rush, 1851-1886… and Gold Teeth (see Goldie earlier)… Gold TV, an Australian infomercial channel… Goldilocks and the Three Bears… Gold Toxicity, too much and it damages your kidneys, but just enough and it helps with joint pain (see Golds Salts)… Throat-cutting Gold, apocryphally, when the Reverend William Branwhite Clarke found gold in the Blue Mountains in 1841, he was told by the Governor of New South Wales to "Put it away Mr Clarke, or we shall all have our throats cut"… and in such a high-price world for gold - no doubt soon we will be hearing far more about Gold Tailings too, either mining them, or the long-term problems associated with them…
U is for the US$ Gold Price, Underground Gold Mining... Unhedged Gold Production… Undiscovered Gold… and UKTV Gold, which broadcasts ‘classic' British TV comedy repeats…
V is for Visible Gold… Vein Gold… Volcanic Massive Sulphide (VMS) Gold, though usually only as a by-product… the Victorian Gold Rush from 1851 to the late-1860s (also see Bendigo & Ballarat Gold)… Violet Gold (see Purple Gold)… and Gold Vault…
W is for White Gold, alloyed with nickel, silver, or palladium… Gold Wire, naturally forming or manufactured (see Electrical and Electronic Gold)… Witwatersrand Gold… the Western Australian Gold Rush (1893-96)… "Wickedness caused by Gold" (also Agricola, 1556)… Gold Wreaths… Wedding Rings… and Welsh Gold, previously mined from the Clogau St David's mine in Bontddu and used for the wedding rings of the British Royal Family)... the World Gold Council… and the ‘Welcome Stranger', still the largest gold nugget ever discovered, weighing 2,316oz and found in Moliagul, Victoria in 1869…
X is for XXXX Gold mid-strength beer, which displaced VB as Australia's most popular beer in 2012, whilst owner Castlemaine is named after a region that was also the focus of the 1851 Victorian gold rush… and (too frequently dodgy) XRF Gold Analysis… and Bre-X Minerals (see Gold Scandal and Busang Gold Deposit)…
Y is for Yellow Gold… for Yellowstone Gold, which played a significant role in the Montana gold rush)… Yukon Gold (see Klondike Gold Rush)… and for Yorkshire Gold, a premium tea from Harrogate…
Z is for Mark Zeptner, 2020 MNN CEO of the Year who leads gold company, Ramelius Resources… and Zebra Gold, which apparently is the product of a rug company - and one that is a bit more expensive than ‘Rugs a Million'…
That completes Strictly Boardroom's attempt to capture the full spectrum of gold's many and varied different guises.
Thanks to those who provided feedback on omissions from the A to M compilation: What have we missed in N to Z?
Good hunting.
John Sykes is undertaking a multidisciplinary doctorate at the Centre for Exploration Targeting, UWA and a sessional lecturer on the MBA programme at UWA Business School. He is also a strategist for MinEx Consulting and a director of Greenfields Research, both consultancies specialising in the analysis of mining and exploration across the base, precious and specialty metals sectors (
Allan Trench is MBA Director and Professor at the UWA Business School, a non-executive director of several ASX-listed minerals companies - and the Perth representative for CRU Consulting, a division of independent metals and mining advisory CRU Group (
NB: A comprehensive bibliography is available upon request!
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