Avoiding collisions onsite is not only important to prevent downtime and reduce maintenance costs on damaged equipment - it could also save lives.
US-based electronic engineering company PBE Group will be at Mining & Engineering Western Australia to launch a potential solution for onsite collisions.
PBE's multi-range proximity alert system aims to reduce the risk of collision with both assets and personnel through early detection and warning. It alerts heavy vehicle drivers of the presence of personnel, light vehicles, other heavy vehicles and fixed assets via a ruggedised device running PBE's proprietary software. The system is able to differentiate between vehicles and personnel, as every device has its own signature.
"The PBE proximity alert system provides a totally integrated and scalable solution with built-in redundant systems," PBE Group marketing and quality coordinator Simon Lewis said.
"The solution will be the first of such systems to integrate above ground and below ground technologies into one complete solution covering multiple ranges."
As well as audible warnings, ambient coloured lights provide drivers with additional warning notifications.
The option of real-time video surveillance also provides views of blind spots for further driver security and safety.
PAS also utilises "geofencing" technology to alert drivers to predefined physical hazards, like feeders, dump zones and load-outs.
The geofences act as invisible barriers providing alerts and warnings when equipment approaches, as well as indicating the known distance away from a custom designed border.
As many as 32 of these danger zone alerts can be set up by defining a specific area, using latitude and longitude coordinates.
The company will be at stand 1018 and will have a PAS unit on display, together with sensors and tags to simulate its field operation at the show.