Recharge shares spiked more than 300% after drilling hit "massive sulphide, brecciated zones of semi-massive sulphide and disseminated visual copper sulphide mineralisation … from 92m to end of hole at 393m" at Bandy Hill South, south of Silver Lake's Deflector project.
Tempest's shares gained nearly 300% Monday.
The mineralisation at Brandy Hill South is visual with assay results awaited and two further diamond core holes (tails) still to be completed.
Recharge's RC drilling in January included results such as 12m at 1.2% copper from 74m and 1m at 5.9% copper from 147m.
Further RC results are pending.
Previous explorers of the ground include IGO, who was in the area about 15 years ago.
Recharge is led by Brett Wallace, "a lawyer and geoscience professional".
Recharge listed late last year after a A$5 million IPO that issued new shares at 20c each.
Shares in Recharge were up 269% to 48c in late morning trade, capitalising the company at $22 million.