1. Dryblower: Andrew Forrest is right about lithium, October 31
2. Dryblower on the challenges of Nev Power and Fortescue, February 21
3. Dryblower on a second warning for lithium, October 17
4. Dryblower: Storm warning. Lithium clouds building, December 5
5. Dryblower's 'high-level assessment' of Fortescue's German hydrogen deal, April 4
6. Dryblower: BHP needs to offer more to win OZ, November 21
7. Dryblower on the lure of Chalice for BHP, September 12
8. Dryblower on nickel turmoil with copper (and other metals) to follow, March 14
9. Dryblower on Chris Ellison's big gas party (Andrew Forrest not invited), November 14
10. Dryblower on Peter Bradford's lesson for Diggers delegates, August 1