The Murray Basin Infrastructure Planning Study, which was released today by the Minister for Industry, Science and Resources, Nick Minchin, is the first tri-state survey of its type to be completed under the Commonwealth Government’s Regional Minerals Program.
The study showed the Basin had the potential to contain 60 million tonnes of coarse-grained mineral sands which would have an in-situ value of more than $13 billion. The study also showed that opportunities may exist for the development of downstream processing industries in the region, including the processing of ilmenite to produce synthetic rutile and titanium dioxide.
To maximise the potential of the region the study recommended upgrading road and rail links to ports and service centres; upgrading port facilities; providing extra energy supply capacity; and the upgrading of telecommunications services in some areas.
One of the first commercial mineral sands operations in the Basin will start early next year. RZM’s Wemen project is expected to employ about 43 people, with a further 31 jobs at a new mineral separation plant at Thurla, south of Mildura.
“Many of the infrastructure improvements identified in the study will not only support a future mineral sands industry, but will significantly benefit the rural and regional communities and other industries already operating in the region,” Minchin said.
“The sustainable use of the region’s water resources has also been a key aspect of the study, and I am pleased to see opportunities for the use of recycled, waste and saline water have been examined.”