Its Cawse nickel operations produced 5484 tonnes of nickel and 1023t of cobalt at a cash cost of $3.15/lb Ni after cobalt credits, while its Mt Pleasant mine produced 145,470 ounces of gold at a cash cost of $375/oz.
Sales revenue topped $165 million for an after tax operating loss of $32.94 million and an abnomal loss of $6.35 million.
Mining magnate Joseph Gutnik sold his 14.99% share of Centaur to Anaconda Nickel at the end of last month.
Under the terms of the agreement, Anaconda immediately purchased 6.3 million Centaur shares at $1.35 each and will purchase a further 1.57 million shares at the same price at a later date.
However, Gutnik is still maintaining an interest in the company, assuming the role of deputy chairman and executive director following the resignation of Marcus Soloman.
Anaconda CEO is now chairman and managing director of Centaur, and Michael Masterman and Stephen Dennis are company directors.